How to Fix Deep Scratches on Car?

How to Fix Deep Scratches on Car? Every car will get dings and minor scrapes over time. Every time you park in a parking lot, you assume this risk! But don’t panic if you’re one of the unfortunate car owners who discovered a deep dent.
Deep scratches in your car are a source of frustration & stress, especially when the cost of a repair job is considered. But the good news is that you can easily erase significant scratches off your car at home with just a few automotive store items. In this post, we’ll show you how to remove serious scratches from your car without the help of a professional.
Why Should You Buff Out All those Deep Scratches?
The outside of your car is made up of three layers: the body, the base paint, and the top or clear coat. When your car is scratched, filth can penetrate the paint and cause catastrophic damage in some situations.
Deep scratches penetrate the topcoat through to the underlying paint layer and, in certain cases, the metal body of your vehicle. Rust can form quickly if your car’s naked metal is exposed—usually within a day or two. Once rust has formed, you will require professional assistance to prevent it from spreading. By that point, you’ve got more than simply an aesthetic problem on your hands. Rust will eat away at your car (and it’s worth it!) if it is not remedied.
If, on the other hand, your car has a deep scratch that isn’t exposing metal but has simply damaged the base paint layer, you can easily repair the problem yourself.
How to Fix Deep Scratches on Car?
It takes some effort to remove these deeper scratches, but if you’re prepared to put in the time and effort, you can save yourself a trip to the body shop and rub out the scratches right at home. Deep scratches on your car can be removed in five simple stages, protecting its value and restoring its attractiveness.
1. Wash and Dry to Fix Deep Scratches on the Car
You should carefully wash and dry the afflicted area of your vehicle before beginning deep scratch repairs. Leaving dirt or grime on your automobile increases the likelihood of further scratching or damaging the paint job. A tidy desk also ensures that you’re taking care of all the scrapes and aren’t missing anything. Don’t skip this step; you’ll be glad you did.
2. Buff It Out
Buying a car scratch repair kit is the simplest approach to complete this step. These usually include polishing chemicals and buffing pads. Pour the compound onto such a microfiber towel or buffing pad and rub the polish into the scratch in small, tight circles. A sanding action occurs between the compound and the pad, smoothing out the rough edges of your car’s deep scratch.
Wipe the surface clean with a clean microfiber towel once you’ve polished the edges away. If the scratch still has rough or raised edges, repeat the technique until everything is smooth.
3. Fill Deep Cracks to Fix Deep Scratches on the Car
To create an even surface, most deep scratches will require a filler such as glazing putty. Wipe the area clean with rubbing alcohol before applying putty to the cracks. This eliminates any remaining filth and allows the putty to adhere to the surface.
Squeeze a little amount of glazing putty into or onto the scratch now that your car is clean of wax, dirt, or leftover polishing compound. Apply even pressure with a spreader tool or a hand squeegee to spread the putty evenly around the scratch. The putty will set in a matter of minutes, filling and hardening your scratch.
Apply a paint leveller to a microfiber cloth and dab it over the recently filled scratch at this point. The putty will be removed by the paint leveller if it has clumped or has unintentionally stuck to areas other than the mended scratch.
4. Paint Repaired Areas with Touch-Up Paint
Purchase matching touch-up paint to cover your repairs using the colour code found on the inside of your car’s door. Your touch-up paint comes with application instructions. Simply use the applicator that comes with the touch-up paint kit to apply a little amount of paint. Cover the scratch and fill up any small gouges, being careful not to leave any small holes or divots in the glazing putty.
Allow at least eight hours for the touch-up paint to cure once you’ve coated the entire repair with it. An overnight cure yields the optimum effects, so we recommend giving your automobile at least that much time before driving it or exposing it to the weather.
5. Finish with a buff out
Buff the repair when the touch-up paint has dried. At this stage, the surface of your car should be smooth, the paint should match, and you shouldn’t see any scratches. Finish the process by giving your automobile a thorough wash and wax, and it will appear as good as new!
Deep scrapes might make you feel like you’re in a nightmare. However, if you apply the proper approach and take your time, you can repair most deep automotive scratches in your own garage. We hope you found our guide useful. You can save a trip to the body shop—and the associated costs—now that you know how to remove scratches from your car.